How Important is a Positive Internet Reputation?

Having a positive image is pretty much the most important thing as a business. How you are perceived by other people on social media, review websites, search results, forums, news articles etc… determines what people think of you. If they read complaints or anything negative, it makes them run a mile.

If customers don’t like you, they tell people on the Internetrepair-internet-reputation-business-online

It’s very important to protect your business on the internet and control your internet reputation.

Bad word spreads! Especially on the internet because this shows up in search results and serves as a permanent reminder every time people search for you… So how do you go about fixing it?

Have a strong Social Media Presence

Having a Facebook & Twitter account is okay… but it’s not enough to really build a brand. It’s not enough to control the whole page of search results for your company. There are hundreds of social media profiles that work very well in repairing and protecting your internet image, but you have to use them properly and interlink them so that they send the most value to your brand.

If you can control search results you can use social media to control the online conversation. If customers write negative comments, complain about your services and leave bad reviews on profiles you control, you can minimize the damage and protect against other people seeing it.

If your business is without a strong online presence you are at their mercy.

Own Your Brand on the Internet

It is a very strong  move to own multiple domains and all the major platforms for your business name. This can really help to protect your business image and build trust on the Internet. But if you are not using them properly it can look sloppy.

Having a good internet reputation is based on more than just having the profiles. They need to engage with customers, showcase your business and build a real following. You don’t have to get re-tweets and loads of likes on Facebook to be running your business properly.

You have to ensure that people see important and positive information when people search for you.

Hiding Negative Things That Hurt Your Business

One of the main things about online reputation management is that it is your best weapon against negativity. Nothing hurts a business more than bad press. Having a bad image can ruin your chances of competing and drastically lower the amount of income your company generates, so in this day and age you have to protect your online image.

If you really want to know how important a positive internet reputation is, get one! Once you see the benefits of not only hiding bad things, but promoting the good things, you will see the power. Once you stop losing business, and start getting extra business you will know the way.

Do you need help repairing your business image?

Let us know the problem and we’ll get back to you with a free quote.



All enquiries are strictly confidential.

You can also call us to ask any questions on 1800 622 359

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Welcome to Reputation Station!

We are a reputation management company dedicated to improving & protecting your online brand image, removing negative feedback & managing your online reputation.

Reputation Management For Business & Individuals

For many Australian businesses an online presence is essential if they are to compete nowadays; and having a negative online reputation can be disastrous for any company.

We replace these offending web pages with fresh and positive information about your company. By pushing these pages off the search engine results page (SERP) and then promoting your company instead, we turn a negative into a positive.

Online Brand Protection For Australian Businesses

We specialise in improving your online reputation and restoring your web brand image so contact us today to see how we can help you.

Protect yourself by contacting Reputation Station today

We provide reputation management services for businesses and individuals. If you have anything negative in Google search results, or on the Internet in general then call us now for a chat!

Call free phone 1800 622 359.

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